In the early morning we boarded our coach and travelled to the port of Tarifa, Spain. We then boarded our high speed ferry to embark on our next adventure to Tangier, Morocco. Hello, Africa!
We met our guide and our bus driver, both called Mohamed. So we had Mohamed squared not Mohamed pie. As you can see, Mohamed is a very common name in Arabic countries. Mohamed our guide was dressed in the traditional garb of a kaftan which is a long robe without a hood.
He explained there were two garbs, the kaftan and the djellaba. The djellaba has a hood. The assistant guide sported a kaftan and the banana slippers known as balgha. Our bus tour began with a short stop where many of our choir members enjoyed a short ride on a high camel ride.
After a very tiring day of bartering and beating off pursuers we embarked on our ferry ride back to Spain and to meet our coach driver. We ended our day with a lovely bus stop for a picnic of shared sandwiches, tea, chips, cheese and crackers. We were very tired campers when we got back to our hotel.
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